Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gold rush

This blogging thing is turning out to be a little more difficult than I expected. Of course, I could go on for ages about the weather, or my sickeningly large pile of homework (that grew even bigger this week, hence the pitiful gap between my 1st post and this one), or how I saw a pigeon swim in it's own waste. Oh, and I might add that the last part was particularly unpleasant to witness... not that I have anything against pigeons... but I mean, really. I guess that my posts should come straight from the heart. Then again, this is not an effing personal diary (ಠ_ಠ) + I'm guessing that posts crowded with names of people whom you don't know (love, frenemies, and other teenagery stuff) would seriously bore the hell out of you*. Complex stuff indeed.
So, until I figure out how to deal with this delicate problem, here's a photo of the moment.

Mmm, yummeeh. Cake at 02:01 in the morning (◦ˆ⌣ˆ◦).

By the way, if you happened to notice the golden mask in the corner of the photo... well, it's origins can be traced back to yesterday's notably fancypants bal masqué -- something that I will probably write a little more about in the near future.

*actually, if you think about it, to bore the hell out of someone can be considered as a super positive thing. It's never good to have pieces of hell inside you. True story.
Finally, you can proudly say that you finished reading a post that involved pigeons swimming in their own poo. From now on, you might as well say that your life is complete ヽ( ゚ヮ゚) ノ.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Hello, my name is Laura and I will be blogging here from now on. I'm not quite sure about what, but I'm guessing mostly about events I attend, clothes, shoes, food (oh, food ♡!) and random stuff I find interesting. This is just a short introduction, but if you wish to know more about me or this blog, please visit this page.