Sunday, May 6, 2012


Do pardon me for the terribly spotty posting so far. In my defence, I have been really, really, really busy these past 2 weeks. You know, watching reruns of That 70s Show, sleeping, eating, looking at pictures of cute baby animals on the Internetz, sleeping some more, and literally stuffing buckets of Ben&Jerry's down my throat. Well, not quite literally. I believe that would be somewhat difficult to do (゚ペ). Unless you're dealing with those cute mini Ben&Jerry's ice cream tubs. I do believe that trying to nom on those classifies as the most challenging version of Chubby Bunny, ever. Oh, and for those of you who don't know, Cubby Bunny is a game usually played by 2 or more players. It basically involves people placing marshmallows in their mouth, one at a time, until they no longer can pronounce the words "Chubby Bunny" coherently. Voila, easy as pie... or should I say 'easy as marshmallow', ahahah....hah.....hah... meh (。_。). I should probably get a life.
This picture is a bit off topic, but I felt like posting it, mainly to kind of, maybe, kind of, yes, let you know that I actually was somewhat productive during my unannounced hiatus (even though this took me 15 minutes to draw to draw, at the most(ー_ー)). Also, LOOK AT HER AWESOME EYES. I can't wait to finish it

Anyway, I apologize for the rather awkward gap between this post and the last, and I promise not to do it again -- at least not this month. If I do, I give you the permission to throw me with a rotten banana peel... That's how friggin' serious I am.


  1. I didn't ask for you to follow my blog, but okay, whatever. You do have a great sense of style though, so maybe I'll follow you c:

  2. AMAZING!!


  3. cool writing style :)) and I like your pics hope you'll find more time for blogging :D

    United Kingdom Of Fashion


  4. Cool drawing, thanks for your comment, would love it if we could follow each other! Let me know if you do and I will follow straight back!

  5. I love your drawing! thanks for your sweet comment on my blog - would you like to follow each other?

  6. Wow you made this! It's great! Like your blog! Thnx for your comment on my blog! I'd love us to become followers! Let me know when you follow me on gfc and bloglovin so I can follow you back!


  7. wow, love the drawing. more drawings please ! :)

  8. Amazing !!

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  9. io love your cursor :3 and nice drawing! i cant wait to see it finished too :)

  10. thank you :)!

    aw AMAZING drawing, really! love it :)
    So we can follow each other? i'll be glad :)
    Now i follow you immediately & i hope you want do the same if you like it ;)
    bisous xxx

    1. Yesh, sure, your blog is wonderful so why not ^^?
